OK. So I decided to keep a dream journal. Here is my first entry:
Lady held my hand and led me somewhere. Had me to first draw (with my mind) a square and then a veggie looking thing that looked like a squash. They glowed blue and kind of pulsated. She asked me what I thought or if I had any feelings about them. I thought that I don't like squares, and I'm not fond of egg plants.
(I actually have nothing against squares, but I'm really, really not fond of egg plants).
Then the dream changed to a "familiar" retelling of Frankenstein. Showed everything up to battle, it was all done.
(At this point I think it was making hologram playing cards for an RPG game).
Trebubetter all details. User details.
(Have NO idea what that means).
Would dream was writing it all down in the journal and not actually writing it down so missed stuff. Black Eyed Peas "Shut Up" was playing in my head.
(OK, that was really strange ... I was dreaming about writing in the journal. No clue about BEP).
And that was it for my first dream journaling. Not sure what it means, if anything. I kept waking up and going back to sleep, and try to write down dreams in between sleeping ... I ended up not sleeping more than about 5 hours and have a horrendous headache.
I'm sure I'll have some wild dreams to tell ya'll about another time ... till then ...
Love and Light
~ Shadow Mystt ~
Monday, December 8, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Been playing at neopets.com and took a quiz to see what type of faerie I would be. This was their conclusion:

"You have a lot in common with dark faeries. You probably enjoy playing tricks on others and are most happy at night."
I don't know about the tricks part, but I do like the night ...
Blessed Be
~ Shadow Mystt ~
"You have a lot in common with dark faeries. You probably enjoy playing tricks on others and are most happy at night."
I don't know about the tricks part, but I do like the night ...
Blessed Be
~ Shadow Mystt ~
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
This and That
Well, this is my first post in a LONG, LONG time. Used to have a blog called "Kat's Kitchen" but can't remember how to get to it, it's been so long ... Well, I guess I'm allowed to have a selective memory at my age ... I'll be 40 in just a couple of weeks *gasp* and I'm already a Gramma twice over, and about to be Gramma to a new addition in a few months.
So, about me. What better way to get to know me, than by me telling all about me. Hmmm.
Well, like I said already and at risk of sounding redundant, I'm almost 40 and a Gramma. Of course, I'm a Mom, too; my daughter is grown (and the one that keeps making me a Gramma), and I have 2 boys yet at home, although they would like to be grown and gone, too, I'm sure.
I have the cutest puppy (at least, I think she's cute); her mom was a full-breed Shi-Tzu, and not sure what her dad was. They know her mom bred with a Corgi, but she looks nothing like a Corgi; instead, she looks like a Jack Russel (acts like one, too). Her name is Suki, but I should really have named her Bunny, since she jumps and hops like a bunny.
I love to cook, and everyone else seems to think I'm really good at it. I've even had people telling me that I should have my own cooking show. "Will Cook For Food" just doesn't sound like a good title for a cooking show, though.
I love to read; in fact, I just finished reading all four books of the Twilight series. It keeps you entertained, although I think the vampires having skin as hard as stone and being almost made out of marble is a bit of a stretch. Also, the werewolves - excuse me, the shapeshifters, although you don't find out they are actually only shapeshifters until the end of the fourth book - being regular looking wolves as big as horses is a bit odd, as well. All in all, it's a good read, but I don't think I will see the movie.
I also like to knit and crochet (I taught myself how to do both - I learned to knit when my daughter was preggers with her first kid in 2005, and only taught myself how to crochet this year). I mainly make blankets as I don't think I'm bright enough to make anything more complicated LOL.
I am a Wiccan. For those that do not know what a Wiccan is, simply put, I am a Witch. Not going to get into theology in my first post, so I will simply leave it at that. I'm not looking to "convert" anyone to my way of thinking, and I am not looking to be converted by anyone else, either. Remember the Wiccan Rede: An it harm none, do what ye will.
I guess that's about it for this post.
In Love and Light, Brightest Blessings
~ Shadow Mystt ~
So, about me. What better way to get to know me, than by me telling all about me. Hmmm.
Well, like I said already and at risk of sounding redundant, I'm almost 40 and a Gramma. Of course, I'm a Mom, too; my daughter is grown (and the one that keeps making me a Gramma), and I have 2 boys yet at home, although they would like to be grown and gone, too, I'm sure.
I have the cutest puppy (at least, I think she's cute); her mom was a full-breed Shi-Tzu, and not sure what her dad was. They know her mom bred with a Corgi, but she looks nothing like a Corgi; instead, she looks like a Jack Russel (acts like one, too). Her name is Suki, but I should really have named her Bunny, since she jumps and hops like a bunny.
I love to cook, and everyone else seems to think I'm really good at it. I've even had people telling me that I should have my own cooking show. "Will Cook For Food" just doesn't sound like a good title for a cooking show, though.
I love to read; in fact, I just finished reading all four books of the Twilight series. It keeps you entertained, although I think the vampires having skin as hard as stone and being almost made out of marble is a bit of a stretch. Also, the werewolves - excuse me, the shapeshifters, although you don't find out they are actually only shapeshifters until the end of the fourth book - being regular looking wolves as big as horses is a bit odd, as well. All in all, it's a good read, but I don't think I will see the movie.
I also like to knit and crochet (I taught myself how to do both - I learned to knit when my daughter was preggers with her first kid in 2005, and only taught myself how to crochet this year). I mainly make blankets as I don't think I'm bright enough to make anything more complicated LOL.
I am a Wiccan. For those that do not know what a Wiccan is, simply put, I am a Witch. Not going to get into theology in my first post, so I will simply leave it at that. I'm not looking to "convert" anyone to my way of thinking, and I am not looking to be converted by anyone else, either. Remember the Wiccan Rede: An it harm none, do what ye will.
I guess that's about it for this post.
In Love and Light, Brightest Blessings
~ Shadow Mystt ~
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